

生产线设备制造: 我们专业生产新能源数码电池、动力电池及电池组生产线所需的设备。通过先进的技术和高效的制造流程,我们确保为客户提供可靠且高性能的生产设备。

光伏储能项目解决方案: 根据客户的光伏储能项目需求,我们提供全面的项目方案设计和承建服务。从项目规划到执行,我们致力于为客户打造可持续、高效的光伏储能系统,并提供所需的电池和光伏板。

住建一体光伏项目设计承建: 我们专业承建住宅建筑一体化光伏项目,为客户提供全方位的设计服务,并提供项目所需的物料。通过整合光伏技术和建筑设计,我们助力客户实现绿色能源在建筑中的无缝融合。

The sun setting through a dense forest.
Wind turbines standing on a grassy plain, against a blue sky.

使命: 以创新为驱动,为推动绿色能源发展提供先进的技术和解决方案。

愿景: 在新能源领域成为全球领先的解决方案提供商,引领行业可持续发展。

价值观: 我们秉持务实、创新、合作的价值观,致力于为客户创造价值,为员工提供成长机会,为社会贡献绿色能源技术。


Business Areas

TERLI, partnering with you to create a green future together!

TERLI is a manufacturer specializing in the production of new energy digital batteries, power batteries, and the equipment required for battery pack assembly lines. We also provide comprehensive solutions for photovoltaic energy storage projects. Committed to meeting customer needs, we deliver high-quality products and professional services.


Driven by innovation, we aim to provide advanced technology and solutions to drive the development of green energy.


To become a global leader in the field of new energy, leading the industry towards sustainable development.

Core Values

We uphold the values of pragmatism, innovation, and collaboration. We are dedicated to creating value for customers, providing growth opportunities for employees, and contributing green energy technology to society.